Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Olympic Torch

Last night we were scrambling to get everyone ready (5 teen aged girls and 4 adults) and be on our way to Brantford. John was running at 6:45 so we wanted to make sure we were there early enough to get parked and in position. I tried all afternoon to see if any roads were closed in Brantford but came up with nothing. On our way into town there was a line of police cars so we asked what was the best way to get downtown-we were assuming they had roads closed. No roads closed. We parked right where John was running. He sent us a text and told us what street corner to be on. I think about 30 of us were waiting for him.

The streets were lined with people-many dressed in red and white Canada gear from previous Olympics. Excitement was in the air.

Police cars and motorcycles came through first. Then some Royal Bank vehicles and Coke trucks handing out goodies. Then a bus stopped in front of us. A man jumped out and announced the name of the next runner. She came out very, very nervous. We asked the guy if John was running and he said yes-he should be at us in a few minutes and that poor John got out of the bus and no one was there to cheer for him. Dad and Beth took off (up a hill) to be at the start of John's run. Then there were more police cars, a couple of vans and then at the top of the hill we could see the flame. Being dark out was a big plus because the flame stood out. We started yelling and John came down the hill with the torch held high above his head. John ran his leg a little too fast so we were allowed to run into the street for pictures before he was to pass of the flame.

After the flame was passed John was back on the bus and we met up with him at City Hall. Well, we tried to meet up with him. All the runners were being mobbed. People wanted pictures with the runner and the torch. It was about half an hour before we could get close to John.

Lynda took lots of pictures (her camera has a flash) and I will get them later this week. I will definitely be putting them up-it was an amazing experience.

Afterwards we all met up at Rousseaux House. This is John in his 'uniform' with the torch. He said it was the best day of his life behind the births of his daughters.

1 comment:

Heather said...

My kids were in Paris this morning with my parents to see it. They said it went by very quickly. So exciting!