Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, December 18, 2009

Busy start to the day

It is only 10:30 and I feel like I have put a full day in already. Up at 7 to get ready for breakfast. Write a cheque to Visa (I like to keep them happy), breakfast at Cora's at 8:30, stop at the bank to drop off the cheque and home for a couple of minutes before going to work.

Why an 8:30 breakfast you ask. Mom and dad arranged it-there were 18 of us. Ken and Maria, Ken's son Kevin, Kevin's wife Elizabeth and their 10 children. You did read that right-10 kids and number 11 is on the way. They have 4 of their own children, 2 adopted from China and 4 adopted from Ethiopia. It's not something I think I could deal with but they are all very happy. The kids are very polite and well behaved but boy can they eat!!

I don't have any knitting pictures but here are the last few from Vegas. This is in the Mirage. When you walk into the hotel there is an Atrium leading to the casino and guest rooms. I love walking through this area. The smell is amazing-there are always fresh flowers.

I need to run now. I wasn't in the store for very long yesterday-Cathy worked so I could do some errands (have my nails done) and then go to dad's Christmas party. This holiday stuff is starting to wear me out and there is still a week to go.

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