Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My morning has been crazy.  I saw my first sales rep to order spring yarns. Yes, spring.  We haven't even had snow yet.

Rowan was the first I looked at.  I can't show any pictures.  Rowan doesn't like anything to get out before the release date of January 15.  I will tell you that there are some great designs in Magazine 49.  In addition to the main magazine there are five more pattern books including two for the two new yarns being introduced.

Then I looked at Berroco.  Do you like knitting with Ultra Alpaca?  We have Tonal Ultra Alpaca (different shades of the same colour) coming at the beginning of December.  This pattern is a free pattern that will be available in the store when you purchase the yarn.  The picture really shows how the yarn changes colour.

For spring Norah Gaughan did her usual amazing work for Norah Gaughan Volume 8.  Origami will be featured again this spring with six new colours and a pattern book.  There are four new colours in Berroco Sox with a pattern book for children.

Here are the last few pictures from the aquarium.

There was a tank with Sea Lions but I don't remember the type-these are different than the California Sea Lions.

Swimming around all day and sun bathing when you want. Looks like a great life!!

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