Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, November 22, 2010

Best Buy

It was another busy Monday.  I have new hair and pretty nails.  The banking is done and I ran to the post office with mail orders along with parcels for Beth.  Many things on my list didn't get finished so they will be on my list for Friday morning.

I called Beth and asked her what she wanted from the grocery store.  I was going to get some chicken for dinner.  She sent a list and then another text came through suggesting we go to Lonestar for fajitas and then do the grocery shopping.  Why not?  She was buying.  After dinner she hinted that she would like to stop at Best Buy.  Okay.  I can always find something I need.

She had ulterior motives for the stop.  She wanted an Xbox with the new Kinect.  Even better than a Wii.  From
Controller-free gaming means full body play. Kinect responds to how you move. So if you have to kick, then kick. If you have to jump, then jump. You already know how to play. All you have to do now is to get off the couch.
We now own an Xbox.  It is her Christmas present from me.  No, it won't be wrapped for Christmas-she is upstairs right now hooking it up.

I bought something for myself as well-iPad Camera Connection kit.  Now I can download pictures directly from my camera to my iPad.  Before I had to download to my computer and then email them to my iPad.  This will be great while traveling!!

We received a very small shipment of Triana today.  There is a bit of cream (40), black (49) and the sea green and blue mix (50). Hopefully more will be coming next week.

I need to go and help Beth hook up her toy.  Have a great night!

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