Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, November 04, 2010


I wrote the post about Cookie's new book earlier today and didn't get it published.  I decided to hit publish on that post and start another one about my day.

As you know we have been waiting for a shipment of yarn from Katia.  Where is the Triana and Ondas?  It was supposed to be in Toronto earlier this week and every day I would phone to see if it arrived.  I am sure that they were very sick of me saying 'Hi it's Julie from The Needle Emporium.'  The yarn finally arrived today and I made a quick trip.  QUICK trip.  From my store to Keele and Steeles, pick up the yarn, stop at Tim's to use the washroom and get a tea and then back to the store in under two hours.  Boy do I love the 407!!!

There is good news and bad news to my story.

Bad News
There was only three colours of Triana.
41 Cream and Beige
40 Cream
49 Black

Good News
We have six colours of Ondas.

Cathy dropped by the store this afternoon to get a quick lesson in knitting with Ondas.  She is now a master and can demonstrate next week.

I am going to finish a few mail orders and then start working on my scarf in colour 70.  The swatch doesn't do the colour justice.  It is light and dark grey with medium and dark brown.

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