Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, September 08, 2013


The Ab Fab Throw has been blocked. I will do the fringes tomorrow night while Aileen is blocking.
I need to roll the skeins of yarn that I received from Colinette before I can do the fringing. Luckily I have a sister who owes me big time and will do it tomorrow night. A lot of time was spent helping her with her knitting this weekend. Can you take out a few stitches? I need to pick up ___ stitches. Can you do it for me? I told her that I would show her how to do the finishing tomorrow night. Her comment 'I want it to look really good so maybe you could do it this time and then show me on my next project?' I guess I'm doing some finishing tomorrow night. When it's all done I will show pictures.
Since taking this picture the front bands on Aileen are done. I've picked up the first armhole ribbing and should have that done before Big Brother. Then the other armhole should be finished during the Sunday night football game. Hopefully I can soak it before bed.

All the worrying about running out of yarn-it was for nothing. I'm fairly sure that I have lots. OK, not lots but enough to finish with some left over. Wannietta was correct. Knitting faster helped.

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