Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, December 20, 2010


There was no post yesterday because I was very busy going between knitting and working on the computer while watching football.  I finished the Ondas scarf for my chiropractor.

We still have some Ondas in stock and you still have time to get a scarf or two knit before Christmas.

It hit me that the brochure for Knitting Camp 2011 hasn't been finished. Finished-it hasn't even been started.  I decided that the brochure needed to be totally revamped.  In the past I would cut and paste into the previous years brochure but a lot of time yesterday was spent formatting.  Word:mac 2011 is a great program and the best part are the available fonts.  I fell in love with Tekton pro and have used it for the whole brochure.  This might seem like something that a person really doesn't need to get excited about but the finished product is going to look amazing!!

The finale of Survivor last night went just the way I had hoped.  When Jeff was reading the results I was so afraid that Chase had won.  Fabio played the game great and had Sash and Chase scrambling at the end.  I think it could have been one of the best final three yet.

I just spoke with madelinetosh and they are dying some yarn for me this week and it will be mailed before Christmas.  The order will include DK, sock, merino and tart pashmina.

Last week we went through some trying times with Canada Post.  Parcels were shipped on Tuesday and should have arrived at their destinations in one or two days.  These parcels just arrived at the sorting plant in Mississauga this morning.  What is going on??  Ms. Canada Post who was in this morning told me that they are so backed up in Toronto that mail trucks (huge transports) are sitting for three days before they can get into the dock. This doesn't make me happy and customers are extremely upset but at least now I know what is going on.

I think that Beth and I need to go out and do some Christmas shopping tonight.  Wish us luck!!

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