Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


At a very young age we learn the alphabet.  It is like second nature until we actually need to put something in alphabetical order.  That was my job this morning.  Bearfoot from Mountain Colors is on the website but it needed to be reordered.  It started in alphabetical order and then new colours were added.  We had to add them at the end so then there was no order.  Korey likes things in numerical order but I wanted it done alphabetically (a very long word to keep typing).  Now it is sorted correctly and the quantities are updated.  We are short on some colours and I will be ordering them right away.

I love Bearfoot and sent some Ladyslipper to Lynda to make me a scarf.  She is knitting Amalia from Purl Diving.

It has arrived.  See the garments from Cherished-Kim Hargreaves latest book.

I am very mad at myself right now. We just sent out a newsletter with our hours over the holidays.  There is a spelling mistake.  I spelled December wrong.  How did I miss it?  How did Beth miss it?  There are some very bad words swimming around my head right now!!

After work I am running to have my nails done (they have been neglected badly and look terrible) and then dad is coming to hang pictures in our dining room.

Then Survivor.  Who will go tonight??

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