Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, June 25, 2010

Need your opinion

It is Friday night and I am upstairs working on my Mac.  I downloaded the new iPhone update tonight from my laptop and this erased my iTunes library on my phone.  My full library is on the big computer which brought me upstairs.  Unfortunately I don't have the latest iTunes so I am waiting for it to download.  While waiting I thought I would start another blog post.

Do you have an iPhone or iPod Touch?  If you do and are on Ravelry join the iPhone or iPod groups.  There is so much information there and many helpful people.  I learned many things browsing the iPhone group tonight like how to download pdfs into iBooks.  Now I have many of my patterns that are stored in my Ravelry library on my iPad.  (I think I have mentioned every Apple product now!!)

I must say that my blog looks really good on the big screen up here.

In two weeks we should be receiving a shipment of Kauni with patterns.  This jacket is done with two colours in garter stitch.  Two rows one colour and two rows the next.  Simple but effective.

At the show I was able to see all the colours of Kauni.  Before I was just ordering from swatches on the internet.  This cute three button cardigan pattern will be coming as well.

So iTunes has finally downloaded and my songs are syncing to my phone.  I don't know why I didn't narrow down the number of songs.  Right now song 200 of 1000 is downloading.  This is going to take a bit.  I promised myself a Y&R marathon-I'm going to get a few episodes in while waiting for my phone.  Why wait for the phone you ask?  It is my alarm clock.  Without it I might sleep in and miss opening the store.  Without it I will have a terrible night sleep making sure that I don't sleep in.  Why do I have to wait until 10pm to do things like this??

In the shipment of Kauni will be some more Christel Seyfarth kits.  I am sitting on the fence about the Mongolian jacket.  I think it is beautiful but not sure if others will.

And then the kit that I am really unsure about.  The Flower Power Coat is absolutely beautiful.  It was knit up at the show and the colours are fantastic.  I am hoping to have the finished coat on display at the Knitter's Fair and Knitting Camp.  Would you knit this coat?

700 songs have now downloaded so the end is in sight.  Have a good night!!


Sally said...

Personally, I like the Mongolian Jacket better than The Flower Power Coat.

I think it would have more longevity.

Just sayin' :-)

Unknown said...

I love the Mongolian Jacket & would totally knit it (for myself even)!!

Gjeani said...

I would love to knit the flower power coat. exept I live in the netherland so I would probably try to get the kid here somewhere.
but I do think it is stunning!