Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, June 25, 2010

I see a new project in the near future

The kits from Christel Seyfarth have arrived.  I tried to open one kit so that I could read the pattern and the packaging broke on me-not sure if I did it intentionally.  Now I might have to start the kit.  :)  Here are the colours...

...for the Malthese Shawl.

There isn't anything tricky in the pattern.  The nice thing about her shawls is that the edging is done double-this helps it to hang better.  You can also bury all your ends when sewing down the under piece.

The shawl starts at the bottom point-increasing every row.  You work back and forth until there are enough stitches to join in the round.  Then you cast on extra stitches for the steeks and start work around and around-no purling.  When you reach the required length you switch to the top border pattern.  Now comes the fun-cutting the steeks.  THIS IS NOT HARD!!  The first time I cut steeks I went down the street to East Side Marios, had a drink and then came home to cut.  The stitches will not unravel on you.  Stitches like to unravel down, not side to side.  Also the yarn is a Shetland wool so there are little fibers that catch which makes unravelling difficult.  After you have cut you pick up along the edges to do the side borders.  Piece of cake.

I took a picture of the new Spud and Chloe Outer to try and show the true colour of the yarn.  Now that I am seeing this on the screen I am not sure if it is coming out any less pink than yesterdays picture.

I have been very busy lately writing newsletters-eight in the past week.  For the store there is newsletter called Shawl Yarn Alert.  This newsletter hasn't been sent out in over two months but that is about to change.  There will be one going out on Tuesday morning and another is written to go out the following week.

The Boxes Drape Vest from Jane Slicer-Smith is progressing.  I need to work four more rows and then I will be at the second armhole.  From here I start decreasing making the rows go faster.  I'm hoping to have a Y&R marathon tonight and get some serious knitting done.

1 comment:

Nikky said...

oooh that is gonna look sooo pretty!