Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Home from NY

We made it home safely and my bed is calling.  Doing a photo shoot definitely isn't a vacation.

I can't download any pictures from my camera right now for fear of upsetting Roko but here are a few I took with my phone.

On Tuesday morning we showed up at the studio at 8am and parked out front was this truck.

BLT Burger is one of my favourite restaurants in Vegas and here is a truck that travels the streets of NY selling the burgers.  Unfortunately it was early in the morning and they were cleaning the truck.  You can follow on Twitter to see where the truck will be each day.

Jack said that there are all kinds of businesses like this in NY-cookies, cupcakes, coffee, hot dogs...

Right beside Jack's building was a tile store.  This is one of the window displays.  The jeans and tie are all made from tiles.

This is the next window.  I couldn't get a picture without the reflection to show this amazing wedding dress made of tiles.

This is the view from the top of Jack's building.  I couldn't take any pictures of the models but you will get to see the photos in February.

I wasn't really paying attention when I had my phone with me on the roof.  Looking in the other direction we could see the Empire State Building.

I can't keep my eyes open anymore.  I'll be back tomorrow with more pictures.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome home!!