Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday morning

Emma was in on Saturday with this amazing shawl she knit in Fleece Artist yarn. Sorry, I didn't get the name of the pattern she used-I was having too much fun playing with her son Dexter. Emma is having her second child very soon so I think it would be nice of her to give me Dexter. :)

I showed you the Spud and Chloe pattens last week. This is the box that we have to display them.

The top comes of and all your patterns are organized inside. There are dividers as well so you can personalize your own box. We are sold out of the boxes but more are on the way.

Saturday night we watched two movies.
Taken-I couldn't knit very much because I was trying to pay attention. The occasional subtitles made the knitting hard as well. I liked the movie. It held my attention which is all I really ask for.
Bride Wars-Bad movie. Not much more can be said except to ask where Kate Hudson got that awful hair cut. I did get lots of knitting done so I guess that is a plus.

My stack of paperwork is done so maybe Beth and I will go golfing this afternoon.


Unknown said...

I have 2 kids - I'll even let you take your pick of the litter! LOL

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I liked bride wars (silly but still okay) but yes, I agree, that is not a goo look for Kate... makes her look like Hilary Duff

Fifi said...

Hope you took your umbrella if you did go golfing!

emmacole1979 said...

It's Laminaria from Knitty...I realized after we left that I had forgotten to tell you. Pregnancy brain, I guess...