Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Count down to TNNA

Our drive to Columbus started at 9am yesterday morning. Nothing eventful on the way. Beth and Bev were not the best behaved but that was to be expected. It was like travelling with two 10 year olds but we all survived.

Normally we would be driving today but there are business meetings set for this afternoon. Beth and I spent the morning touring around and doing a bit of shopping. This is the back wall of The Cheesecake Factory. I would love to have this on my dining room wall.

Craig's Crazy Carrot Cake Cheesecake to go. YUM!!!! Who can resist carrot cake and cheesecake in one desert?

Shopping did result in two pairs of shoes. Macy's was having a sale-it wasn't my fault. The picture is very small for a reason. Small shoes are cheaper than big shoes. :)

I have free Internet in the hotel and Beth has her laptop so I hope to continue posting during our stay.


Sally said...

Two pairs of shoes does NOT seem enough.

Get out there and SHOP!!!

Irene said...

Glad will be hearing from you along the way.