Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Trinigan is Growing

Last night I said I was going to bed early. It ended up early this morning because the football game was good. The wrong team won but I did get lots of knitting done. 

I made it to the split on Trinigan. When you reach 18” you divide the fronts and back. Andrea has you cast on stitches to create the armhole. The rows are definitely going faster now. 

The stitches for the back and left front are on a spare circular needle with Cocoknits stitch stoppers. I love these stitch stoppers. They don’t come off your needle when you throw your knitting into a bag or basket.

There is a beautiful new shawl on Ravelry called Yvonne MT. I don’t have permission to show the pictures but here is the link to the pattern. One version of the shawl is knit in Le Petit Lambswool. Diana has been asking for a project - I think this could be her holiday knitting.

Today Beth made Reindeer Crack. We are going to package it in small bags for everyone in her office.
This is the obstacle course I had to get through this morning.

I forgot this picture. Last night dad helped me wind yarn before dinner. He used to do this when he was young with my Oma. 

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