Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Shawl Smorgasbord

Do you following Stephen West on Instagram? He has a new shawl coming later this week.
📷 © Stephen West
The shawl is knit in fingering weight yarn. The pattern for Shawl Smorgasbord is coming out on Thursday.

I was in charge of the dogs today. We decided to have a lay down this afternoon. They didn’t leave me much room to get into bed. 

After our lay down I pulled out my knitting. 

The right front is at the correct length and the left front needs 12 more rows. The colour in this picture is very close to the colour of the yarn. I think it’s the best picture I’ve taken so far. You can see that blocking will be necessary when the cardigan is finished. The lace sections will lie much flatter and the ribbing will even out. I’m going to knit while we watch the start of the All Star Game.

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