Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, March 22, 2019

Driving Miss Lucy

I received a happy email from our friends at Hedgehog this morning. They are sending us more yarn next week.

We will see lots of Merino DK. I'm a bit obsessed with this yarn after using it for my Hipster.

-Beach Bunny
-Deep End
-Pinky Swear
-3 Potlucks
We will restock colours we are low on and add new colours.
I tried to pick bright, dark, subtle and semi solids. Something for everyone.

There was a bit of knitting tonight. The stocking stitch is nice because you don't have to think but I am becoming a bit bored by it. I like colour. I must finish this before starting something new!! 😘
The new season of Billions started on Sunday night. Beth and I watched this evening. Then some basketball and now it's time for bed.
Beth is enjoying her Issa Cowl. The pattern will start jumping out soon - she will be knitting with a solid navy against an almost solid rust. Once she gets through that section it will make the whole pattern stand out. It is slip stitches - you are only knitting with one colour per row. It is an easy, relaxing pattern.

Dad and Lucy are packed and will be driving home tomorrow. They have sandwiches, treats and water. Lucy will lay in the front seat with dad for a while and then she'll stand up, go over the console and lay down in the back seat. They have set stops - the same rest stations going to Myrtle Beach and coming home. Oh yeah, the same Dairy Queen as well.

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