Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful Sunday.

2nd Avenue is growing. I cast on last night while we were watching the hockey game and Billions. The pattern is going to be perfect for knitting on the plane. No counting. No fancy stitches. Just working with pretty yarn.

Lynn has a travel trip for anyone flying with their knitting. In the past month we've had a few ladies in who got off the plane leaving a ball of yarn in their seat back. Then they were scrambling to find something close that they could use to finish their project. Lynn asks that you put all your yarn in a zippered bag so it gets off the plane with you.

We've had a good family day so far. Breakfast at dad's then church. We laughed at lots of mom stories. Here is an excerpt from Beth's speech at the memorial service. She talked about what we learned from mom.
We learned that it’s OK to ask for help.
Mom had a rocky relationship with technology.   She had a an I-phone, I-pad, I-mac, laptop, etc. which she could use with varying degrees of success.   There were many, many 5 minute stops for Julie and I to fix small problems.  In Myrtle Beach, the Geek Squad guys knew my mom by name and when the caller ID would come up would answer the phone – “Hello Miss Karen, someone will be out this afternoon”.  Mom fully embraced this struggle
We've decided that she's a technology whiz in heaven :)

Dad is home having a nap and then coming here for dinner. Then off to the airport. Beth is going golfing after dinner so she is happy.

Thank you to everyone who send kind words about our first Mother's Day without mom. So far no tears. The memorial last Sunday was very hard. I cried throughout the whole thing. I think I'm cried out and ready to think of all the positive things about my mom.

Now I need to finish packing. Here is one more thing from Beth's speech.
So I’d like to talk about the things that we’ve learned from our mom. 
Of course she told us the basics early on: 
Don’t touch the hot stove 
Look both ways before you cross the street 
Don’t lick the metal pole on a cold day 
Don’t eat the yellow snow 
Always wear clean underwear
I'm away for 4 days - that means 8 pairs of underwear. 

Thanks mom!!!


Carolyn said...

Wonderful memories of your Mom. I think many of us with Moms of a certain generation can relate to their technology struggles! I’m sure you’re finding that it’s the unexpected times that “catch you” when missing your Mom - not necessarily the expected days such as Mother’s Day. When I have those days where there’s a real sense of loss I try to do something extra to remember/honour my Mom and that helps. I also still try to be a bit gentler to myself. (My Mom was an awesome pie maker so I usually make a pie!) Take care.

Rosemary said...

Thank you so much for sharing what your day was like and Beth's humorous stories. You made it through the day. Appreciate your daily column!