Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another beautiful day

The weather today was amazing. Much of the day was spent outside with the dogs. Roko couldn't get enough of playing with his Frisbee and the tennis ball. Melo doesn't like to play so much but he likes to watch.

I finished the second and third blocks on the vest. The vest is 15 blocks in all. 3 up the left front back and then 3 more down the front. There are 3 blocks in the middle of the back and then 6 blocks up the right back and front. They are all joined as you go so no sewing is required. You can also make 3 strips and sew them together-whatever you find easier.

I was going to make a strip of 6 blocks and then start the middle back but decided to work sideways so that you could see the size of the blocks.

It looks a bit out of shape because some of the yarns are a bit thicker than others. When the vest is done and blocked, I will make it square.

I tried getting a picture of it sitting on my couch but that didn't come out good so I put it on the floor. The pot lights are on and there was no way to get a picture with no shadow.

The DVR is busy taping. The Amazing Race, Celebrity Apprentice, Frozen Planet and Breakout Kings. There should be another square finished tonight.

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