Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, February 04, 2012


A package came from Lynda yesterday but in all the tosh excitement I didn't get a picture. I should have waited for this picture until the buttons were sewn on but that could take a few days.

Pattern: Levenwick
Pattern Adjustment: The pattern calls for reverse stocking stitch but we did the body in stocking stitch
Yarn: tosh vintage
Colour: isadora

You can buy the pattern online from Brooklyn Tweed or we have printed patterns in the store.

After work Beth and I made a quick trip to Toronto. Dinner at Panera Bread. Why can't we have one here in Ancaster?? Then into Square One to buy more bubble bath at Lush. Once you've used the stuff from Lush you can't use anything else. I dropped Beth at home and continued onto Chapters. It was crazy busy there. I think everyone was hanging out waiting to head to the movie theatre.

It's time to wind some tosh. I decided on dk in the new colour Heuchera. The picture is sock. The dk is a bit darker in colour.

The last decision will be which pattern-I've narrowed it down to two.


Lois Evensen said...

Very nice pattern. I like it made up in the purple the best.

ClotildeM/Craftybegonia said...
