Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, February 03, 2012

It's Here

This morning I received a phone call that the madelinetosh had arrived. It wasn't supposed to be here until Monday. I'm not ready!

I would have been excited but I was still sleeping. I quickly showered, threw on make up and ran to see my boxes.

I made it through half the boxes before having to go and open the store. The boxes are numbered and an inventory sheet has to be finalized of everything that is in storage so I can find it when I need it. There isn't room in the store for everything.

I brought 8 boxes to the store filled with merino light, sock, dk, merino dk, vintage, merino and lace. I would have brought more but my car isn't big enough. On days like this I miss my Expedition.

Monday after work I will go through the rest of the boxes and bring the missing yarns and colours back to the store.
As I was going through the boxes I was thinking of what I could do with each yarn. My head was swimming with ideas.

On the kitchen counter in front of me are two skeins of Vintage and two skeins of DK. Just in case I finalize what I am going to start.

It's bed time. I'm going to try and get to the store early in the morning to get it in order. Right now it looks like a bomb went off-there is yarn everywhere.

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