Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Where is the sewing fairy??

That darn fairy didn't show up last night. My collar is done and now I need to start sewing.

I just talked with dad. They are leaving Myrtle Beach tomorrow morning. At half time they are running to our house to drop off a few things and make sure it is okay. That got me thinking that Beth had pictures on her phone from her trip. Here they are.

This is from the back deck. My dad was given the okay to cut down some trees. Now we have a much better look to the tee block.

Some of Beth's gnomes.
And a few more. Miami Dolphins on the left and Carolina Panthers on the right.

We bought this birdhouse at a silent auction. There are different animals hanging at my parents houses here and in Myrtle Beach.

I have put off my sewing for long enough. It's time to get moving on it since it looks like no one is going to do it for me.

I didn't hit publish earlier (I'm not sure why not) so now I can brag that my sleeves are sewn in. Perfect the first time. Now I'm moving upstairs for the football game (Go Green Bay) and to sew the side seams. Then there are those darn ends to sew in. I don't mind doing seams but those ends kill me every time.

The great thing about finishing projects is all the knitting needles I am finding. The smart thing would be to file them away properly instead of stuffing them in the needle box. That would be the smart thing. :)

1 comment:

Lois Evensen said...

Weaving in those ends are easier to do when there is something really good on TV. ;)