Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, December 23, 2011

Knitting Again

Tonight Beth and I are having dinner with my best friend from university and her two sons. Last night we went to Walmart to get the kids Christmas presents. They are 13 and 10. Not an easy age to buy for. We were asked not to buy video games. Wow. That cuts out a lot. Girls are so much easier to buy for. We got them a Nerf dart game. We went at 9 thinking that the store might not be so busy. Wrong thought. The check out lines were long and people were buying all their groceries. Lets say that my patience was running a bit thin by the time we got to the car. Please remind me to do my shopping earlier next year.

I pulled out Spectra and vow to get it done this weekend.

Small problem. It needs to be blocked and I do that on the pool table. Bev gave Beth a puzzle for Christmas that is 4000 pieces. It is way too large for our dining room table so Beth is doing it on the pool table. There could be a fight on Christmas day. :)

I have caught the knitting bug again and really wish I could go home after work, put my feet up and play with my yarn. Tomorrow afternoon. And the bonus about tomorrow is that there will be lots of football.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Julie, to you and Beth, from Wendy Boose. Have a great holiday and Happy New Year!