Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Weather Network

It has been a busy day that started way too early. I had a dentist appointment followed by a visit to my chiropractor. Then trips to the bank to get US money and to the post office to drop off parcels. I just finished writing cheques and getting my bank balanced. After my post I am moving onto a newsletter.

It is pouring rain outside right now so here is a picture of Spectra on my floor. The floor is nice and clean-I washed it yesterday afternoon. Not by choice-I spilled a glass of ginger ale so I had to clean up part of the floor and continued on to clean the whole thing.

Half way done. I don't think it will be finished before I go but close.

Have you been watching the Amazing Race? Beth screamed every time the bunnies were on. They were extremely cute. Marcus giving his rabbit a pep talk before going through the course was hilarious. I had to state very firmly that we could not have rabbits in our house. Another team gets knocked out because they got lost driving. Stop and ask directions!!

The Weather Network is killing me. What is the weather in Vegas going to be? Who knows. They don't. Here are screen shots from my iPad.

Taken Saturday evening
 Taken Sunday morning
Taken Sunday evening
I'm so undecided on what to pack. We'll see what they say tomorrow.

My chiropractor questioned how much knitting I did last week but I can't stop. I picked out some colours of Noro Kureyon Sock this morning for another Spectra. Okay, two more Spectras.

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