Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, July 08, 2011

Goodbye to the gang

The gang is getting ready to leave and I am typing while the kids pack. It is funny looking inside their suitcases. The twins have clothes (not very many for 11 year old girls) along with games, puzzles and stuffed animals.

When the furniture was delivered they forgot the side rails for one bed. It has been sitting on the metal base. Last night we picked up the rails so Beth and John are putting the bed back together.
When I was downloading this picture from my phone there were some more taken during the trip.

This is Broadway at the Beach. There are stores and restaurants surrounding a man made lake.
I wish John had taken these pictures for me. Now I want a good camera. The only problem with a good camera is carrying it around. 

Since the last time I was here the landscapers have worked hard on getting the flower beds in order. This is how the looked when I left
Nancy and Carl have worked their magic.

The weeds are gone and have been replaced by plants. The sprinklers go on four days a week which has vastly improved the grass. The neighbours have all commented on how great the flower beds and plants look.

It is raining out so there probably won't be any golf this afternoon. I should think about getting some knitting done but I am leaning towards a nap. :)

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