Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, June 13, 2011

Last Night

Time got away from me yesterday. Meetings, appointments and then dinner out.

Rowan is bringing out two new yarns for fall. The first is Kidsilk Haze hand dyed in 6 colour combinations from Kaffe Fasset. Only one combination was in the booth but I know that all combinations will be amazing. The other is a scarf yarn. I am a bit too tired to describe it properly so I will think about how to describe it and add it into a post later this week. I had a chance to talk with Martin Storey for a bit and he showed me his book coming out this fall. He does amazing cable work!!

The Blue Sky Alpaca/Spud & Chloe booth was great as usual. Spud & Chloe at the Farm-the whole set.

When the goodbyes were done we headed to the mall. Macy's, Cheesecake Factory, Crate & Barrel and Nordstroms.

There were many pairs of designer rubber boots in the shoe departments. We had Bev try on a pair from Coach.

Bev won the shoe competition. She has four new pairs and I have three. They were on sale so we couldn't pass the up. :)

My plan is for us to be in the truck by 9 tomorrow morning for the drive home. I hope everyone else cooperates.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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