Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday post two

As promised I have more to say today.

American Idol was very sad last night.  Seeing James standing on stage with the tears running down his face was awful.  I am not sure who is voting.  I picked Scotty during auditions so I was happy to see him stay but in my opinion James deserved to be a finalist.

Last night I was flipping between the hockey game and other shows so I didn't want to knit on Rock Island.  I worked on my Log Cabin square.

Here is Rock Island-I have done a bit on it today.  14 repeats are complete.

There is one other part of the pattern that can be tricky. You start the row with a yarn over and then knit two together.  I did two rows with the yarn over going in the wrong direction.  It isn't worth ripping back because when I pick up to do the body of the shawl you won't see it but I want to make sure that they are all the same for the rest of the border.

Here are two pictures I took (no it wasn't easy) of how I do the yarn over to start the row.

Put your knitting needle under the yarn.

Then insert the needle into the next two stitches to knit them together.

The yarn goes around your right needle to make an extra stitch.

Are you working on Rock Island?  If you have any tips that can help others (ME) please leave a comment.

I had thoughts of saving this and knitting for a bit in case I have more to add.  Then I gave my head a shake.  Do I really need to be losing a post again?

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