Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Do I have enough??

Last night while watching TV (football, Grey's Anatomy and The Event) I worked the last few rows of my scarf.  All of a sudden it looked like I wouldn't have enough yarn to cast off. WHAT??  I kept my head down concentrating very hard.  As I would cast some off I would look at the tail.  Not going to make it.  Cast off more and check again.  Not going to make it.  Do I stop?  If I am going to stop I need to rip out 8 rows so that I can work the required number of garter stitch rows before casting off.  Do I keep going?  I was giving myself a migraine.  I kept going, continually checking and made it to the end of the row with about 3m of yarn to spare.

I hope to be blocking tonight and then the bottom edge will lie flat.

Is anyone watching The Event?  We are.  Beth likes it but I am finding it a bit weird.  I will continue watching though because now I want to see the outcome.

Tonight I am speaking at the Around the Bay Knitting Guild.  I have handouts and need to get them printed so I had better sign off and get my work done.

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