Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, May 07, 2010

No rain tomorrow please

We are home from Toronto and just in the knick of time.  The weather here is awful.  Rain coming down sideways with thunder and lightning.  The dogs are both very upset.

I am going to keep this short because my bed is calling.  The alarm will be going off at 5am tomorrow morning.

This was my ride to Toronto today.  Beth and I loaded up the van last night (thank goodness) and were on the road at 1:30 today.  We were the first in line when the doors opened at 3 with the prime parking spot-under an overhang so we were dry.  At 6 we were back on the road home.

My chores are all done and I have packed the few things that I forgot.  My list this year was very short.

I would like to ask for nice weather tomorrow.  Cool is okay but not rain.  If you are coming to the Frolic please stop by and say HI.

There probably won't be a post tomorrow.  The show runs from 9-5 so we won't be home until after 7pm and I will be leaving the house by 6am.  I think my bed will look very comfortable when I get home.

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