Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, April 26, 2010

Keeping kids quiet at dinner

The weekend got away from me again.  Saturday was busy in the store and I came home to lay on the couch and watch hockey.

Yesterday afternoon was spent on the couch, knitting and watching various sports.  The first front of my cardigan is done and the second front has been cast on.  

Our friend John is celebrating his birthday today so we took him and his three daughters out for dinner last night.  A twelve year old and ten year old twins can be very busy and very loud.  :)  We had a great time.  I bought cards in Seattle called Kids Table Topics to Go.  These are questions to keep young minds entertained.  "What would be a really good flavour for toothpaste?"  "If you could stay up all night what would you like to do?"

There are many other sets of cards available on the Table Topics website.

After they left we watched The Amazing Race.  My cowboys are still doing well.  No fighting.  No complaining.  Great team.  I thought for sure that Sharon was going on The Celebrity Apprentice.

This morning has been spent on taxes.  GST return done.  Personal tax return done.  Now I am going to work on my next newsletter.  More hockey and knitting are on the schedule for tonight.

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