Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Boring weekend makes for a boring blog post

I came home from work yesterday and had a nap. It was a busy day with lots of customers (I like that) and lots of rearranging. I was trying to get the Rowan and Debbie Bliss yarns out on display. Rowan is done but not the Debbie Bliss. When I woke up I ate dinner (prepared by Beth which always makes it better) and then moved to the couch. Beth had rented the first season of Grey's Anatomy. We didn't watch at the beginning but everyone says the show is good so it was time to check it out. Very good show! We both knit and watched four episodes.

That is right-Beth was knitting as well. Her sweater is cast on, the ribbing is done and now she is in the pattern. There were a few minor issues getting going but everything is good now.

After church this morning I came home and put my scarf in the tub with Soak to soak. Here it is lying out to dry. This is the second set of towels and the scarf is still very damp. It might be done by the end of the week.

I worked a bit on the website and then continued knitting. The second front on my Debbie Bliss jacket is done and I am about to start the sleeve.

Overall it was a fairly boring weekend. Tomorrow, however, is going to be a very good day. Jane is back from her trip and will be in the store and I have a hair appointment!! This always makes me happy. Then I will continue with the website. There are lots of new patterns to get up on the Featured Pattern page.

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