Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

More patterns for Men

I'm sitting in the store waiting for knitting class to start. Tonight is the first night of Re-Introduction to knitting. We are going to work on cast on and cast off, increases and decreases tonight. [Class is done and now I am home] I had to go back and rewrite that sentence. Originally I had the word 'proper' in it but that isn't correct. I taught them better (and hopefully easier) ways to do these techniques.

Knitting Camp is a week away. Boy do I have a lot to do. The goody bags and door prizes are almost done but the registration packets haven't been started. My fashion show brochure was done but has gone missing so I started from scratch today.

It is 9:30 and I have mail orders to do. Unfortunately they are in my truck and it is pouring rain. I tried wiggling my nose but they are still in the truck. Maybe I will knit and watch the end of the baseball game-the mail might wait until the morning.

The new Jane Ellison book Noro Men arrived today. Fabulous patterns. Great for women too!!

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