Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What do I want to make??

The flowers on our front porch have taken on a life of their own. I water them every day and they are loving this weather.

In the newsletter that went out yesterday I talked about the new book by Jenny Watson for The Queensland Collection-the book arrived today. I will be sending yarn out to Lynda on Monday so that she can knit one of the garments.

In the same shipment came more colours of a new yarn from Debbie Bliss-Luxury Tweed Chunky. It is a chunky yarn (really?) that is tweedy (seriously?) but you really need to see it. There is a touch of Angora that adds softness but it isn't fluffy. The flecks of tweed don't show up well on the Internet. I brought three skeins home with me-10 Earth, 13 Glade Green and 15 Cloud Blue. I don't know what I want to knit or what colour I am going to use but the yarn is really calling my name.

I am on my way out the door to meet the parents for dinner. They just arrived home from Myrtle Beach so we are going to be good kids. :) Of course we are going to make mom pay.

Survivor tonight. Hopefully there is someone to root for.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Survivor! Holy Mackeral is that guy E V I L ! ! ! !