Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


When I was at the conference in March we were told to write a blog post and then wait 24 hours before posting. I should do this- I get a post done and then remember something.

I want to thank Jane and Lynn for their help at the Frolic. This was Lynn's first experience selling yarn and she did a great job.

There are many boxes lying around the store and I should be putting the yarn away but I chose to write a post. Can you say procrastination?

The weather outside is gross. A bit of rain is okay but it is pouring here.

The boxes are yelling at me so I should go.

1 comment:

Irene said...

I'm so glad your frolic went well, and the boxes will be there when you are ready. I wish I had not had a previous commitment, next time for sure. Frolic here I come. Did I mention I haven't knit for 19 years. I stopped when my second child was born, it seems boys just want to unravel things, and after too many times of unravelling I gave up.