Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Meet Tui

Sorry that the picture is fuzzy. I would take another picture but the afghan is currently in use. Here are the four strips done. The strip on the far left has the black border down the right edge. I am about to pick up the next edge.

This is the princess known as Tui. If Melo or Roko thought about lying on my knitting I would freak out but Tui can get away with it.

Tui is a Shar Pei and does display many of the typical Shar Pei traits.

Mom and Dad just called from Hawaii. Their trip is going well. They are now on Maui for a week. Last night was whale watching and dad is golfing tomorrow. I have a feeling that they will be going back next winter.

The weather today was great and hopefully the rest of the week is the same. Gotta run-watching the Nascar and I need to get working on my knitting.


May said...

oh what a cute dog!!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

You're really making me want to cast on for an afghan... and i have enought to do right now!