Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Almost done

This was written on Friday and then I forgot about it until I just opened up Blogger.

The basement is moving along. The drywall is done!! I picked out the paint colour this week. Not knowing what to pick I went to Benjamin Moore and asked for help. The first colour the lady suggested was Spiced Rum. This is the colour of the main room in our house. I might have snorted and then explained that we would like something different. We are going with a dark, earthy green. Yesterday morning Beth and I picked the colour for the felt of her pool table. We decided on a dark wine. We could have gotten a green close to the paint chip but when the colour is on the wall it could be totally different. Dad and Beth are spending today putting down the sub flooring. Painting starts on Tuesday and then the flooring.
I did not want carpet so we are having laminate. The colour is called Pecan.

It is now Tuesday morning. The painters were supposed to be at our house at 8am. Friends own the painting company and Mike called at 6:30 if he could come. Beth didn't answer her phone so Mike showed up at 7. It has been a long day already. My truck is having its check up this morning so I am without wheels. What a terrible feeling. I have no idea how I am getting back to the dealership tonight to get it-maybe my dad will take pity on me.

Did finished the sub floor yesterday. The painters will get the primer done and the first coat on today. The floor can then be put down, the pot lights put in and then the final coat. We might be done next week. Thanks goodness-8am is killing me. Now just picking out a bed, bedding and towels for the bathroom.

I finally picked up my knitting needles again last night and did a couple of rows. I really have to sit down and get going on my lace cardi. I just did the cast off for the armholes on the back. I only have a week to get it done so it is safe to say that it won't happen (but you never know). I am going to sign off now and get knitting.

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