Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Knitting again

I am in the apartment quickly writing this before going to work. My internet hasn't been moved over to the house yet. Bell hasn't been cooperating. They wouldn't accept the move order from my internet provider until the house phone was hooked up (Friday). Then Monday was a holiday so Bell looked at it yesterday. They said that by Monday it would be working. Luckily after some begging they said tomorrow. I am sure that if we had Sympatico it would have been moved already!!

We got our washer and dryer hooked up last night and a few loads of laundry done. It will take some getting used to-there are many, many more settings than with the small washer and dryer we have now.

I actually got some knitting accomplished in the store yesterday. I picked up Lizard Ridge again. With the arrival of the new colours of Kureyon I couldn't wait to work with them.

Here are some pictures of our living room. The California shutters are coming tomorrow. It will be nice to have some privacy!!

There is still more work to do-notice the empty shelves above the fireplace? We also need art work but didn't want to start buying that until we got a feel for the house.

We have Cogeco cable in the house now with a DVR on one tv. We could tape Hell's Kitchen and watch it after guests left on Monday night. How about Melissa-what a bitch!!!


Unknown said...

I've had a hate-on for that chick since she & Joanne(the ditzy black chick that's gone now) started picking on Julia (waffle house line cook) on the first episode. I really hope that Melissa gets her just desserts (groan!!) next week - she's lucky to still be on the show!!!

Oh - very nice digs btw.

Anonymous said...

I did not enjoy melissa either.
The place looks great.

Unknown said...

Great looking place Julie! It does take a while to settle in. Oh, and!

I was quite happy to see Melissa gone last night (this is way late) - she is pretty stuck up. I agree with Wannietta about the way they gang up on Julia.