Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Busy Monday

I haven't spend much time in front of the computer this week. I started a post on Monday, saved it and then never published it. Here is that post.

When I checked my Visa statement online this morning, there was a very special charge. Mountain Colors has billed me which means that the new Bearfoot colours are on their way. I am hoping to have them by the beginning of August.

I think I accomplished a lot today but it doesn't feel like it.

I had to stay at home for the morning waiting for the installation man from Home Depot to come-we now have a garage door opener. While I was waiting for him to finish I worked on a newsletter for Beth's company, sent out emails about Stitch N' Pitch, packaged up an order to ship out, send out Gone Stitchin' confirmations and downloaded CD's into iTunes.

My dad needs my truck for the next couple of days (very important business that I can't talk about until the deal is done) so I had to have it washed and cleaned inside for him. There is a great place called Suds across from Limeridge Mall. I think it cost me $30 and the inside and outside are spotless.

I have been in contact with customers and other yarn shops about Stitch n' Pitch. Many say "I don't like baseball". Think of this as a night out with fellow knitters that just happens to be taking place at a Blue Jay game.

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