Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This is what I heard Beth yelling this morning. I went running into the kitchen and she says, 'take a look at Roko. It looks like he has a tick on his face. Can you see the legs?' What a way to start the day. I didn't look too closely but told her to call the vet. Leanne (has been our vet for 15 years) took them in right away and sure enough it was a tick. It is gone and Roko is doing well.

Luckily the rest of the day went much better. The store was busy and I got most of the packing done for the Frolic. I did some rearranging in the front room as well that will get finished tomorrow. Knitting class went well. Margaret and I worked on decreasing for raglan sleeves so that it looks neat for sewing. Cathy started the crochet around her vest that she just finished. Janice did a tension swatch. Dee sat and knit-she doesn't talk very much.

Sorry but I don't have any pictures again. I haven't knit in a couple of days. I have progressed further with my reading of The Friday Night Knitting Club. It is still holding my attention so no complaints.

Hopefully I will see some of you on Saturday, please stop by the booth and say hi.


Samantha said...

Well, I'm an idiot. I read that Roko has a tick on his face and was thinking it was a tick as in twitch, and then I read about the legs and thought "huh?" ... and theeeeen it clued in. Duh.

If I'm at the frolic I will stop by and say hi. I'm hoping to go, but at this point in time it doesn't look likely. We have some people coming to quote for the windows sometime on Saturday ... and then I don't know what after that.

Unknown said...

What a horrible way to wake up!! I'm so glad that Roko is alright.