Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, April 29, 2007


The Frolic yesterday was great. I came home very tired but it was worth it. The day was cool and rainy which helped the crowds. Throughout the day classes were running which gave us some quieter time on the market floor. We had some time to talk with customers and chat/gossip with old friends. Probably half the people coming on our Gone Stitchin' weekend were there so it was nice to catch up with them. When we do the Knitter's Fair in Kitchener the show is much busier so we don't have time to actually talk with customers.

The big question I got from everyone was 'how is the townhouse coming?' Well, we've hit a snag. On Thursday night we went for a quick walk through with our real estate agent. We met her at 5:30 to go over the extras. We wanted her to point out every extra in the unit so we knew what we were missing. Didn't want to take possession and then realize that something we thought was included wasn't there. The breaking point for Beth was about 7. (My class started then but they let themselves in.) The agent told us that they can't guarantee where the electrical outlets would be placed. There would be 4 in a bedroom but if we wanted them in a certain place we had to pay to guarantee this-$110 per outlet. The agent realized that Beth was very unhappy so she made another suggestion. They had some other units that were built that maybe we should look at. These are bigger than what we were looking for but they were done so no surprises on the price. We went over and took a look. The first unit would be perfect but the inside wasn't done. Back to the same problems with upgrades. The next unit had a different layout but I gasped when I saw the kitchen. It was amazing. It is open to the main room-I love it and Beth isn't sure. The model unit was available and it was great except the kitchen was smaller and we are not sure on the layout. We took Mom and Dad back on Friday. They also fell in love with these. I think they are leaning towards the model until. Beth and I debated all the way to Toronto (we set up for the Frolic on Friday night). Beth went and looked at them again yesterday. She moved our reserve from the original townhouse over to these. Now the debate begins. I am on my way to take another look. The first two pictures are of the kitchen that I like. The next picture is from the media room in the model unit. We spent a lot of time watching tv so this room is important to us-our tv will definitely be much bigger. Then the smaller kitchen that has a breakfast nook. My head is spinning right now-decisions, decisions. I am usually a very decisive person-I can buy a vehicle in 10 minutes but this is very confusing. I guess the problem is that a vehicle can be changed in a couple of years and this is permanent.


Unknown said...

I really like the kitchen in the 1st pictures.

Quail Hill Knits said...

Pretend you are cooking a meal. If you find that you are having to do a lot of walking back and forth from the sink to the stove, etc, the layout of the kitchen may be too long or narrow. The media room in the lower pic is beautiful. Good luck.

theresa said...

Both look stunning. The first kitchen is more open and conducive to 2 people cooking. It's also open to the next room, you could catch what's on tv, talk to guests, etc. while cooking - that's cool.
Charges for moving location of elec. outlets - aaggh - hidden fees are annoying and scary!
good luck - hopefully this process will be over soon and you can move!

Dorothy said...

It all looks so beautiful. The media room looks so cozy and comfortable too.

I hope things go well and it is all worth it in the end. I suggest having a building inspector in to check things out before the final purchase though. He'll let you know if anything is off and corners have been cut.