Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Not much knitting

Life has been crazy but there isn't much knitting to report-I am currently on square 73. Hopefully I will be done this weekend but paperwork could get in the way. I have to finish my tax return, do a GST return, 2 PST returns and finish my online newsletter for The Needle Emporium.

My dad is in Honduras for 2 weeks. They are doing a 'water project' which translates into digging ditches to bring water to the village that they visited in November. This means keeping mom amused while he is away. Last night we took her Swiss Chalet plus a surprise. The tv in their bedroom went on the blink so we bought them a new HDTV for their birthdays. Now I want one-the picture is so much clearer.

Please take a look at Cynthia's blog. She is collecting knit squares for an afghan to be put together for her very young niece who is going through chemotherapy. The response has been great and there will be enough squares to make afghans for other children with cancer. Please take some time to knit a square, I will try and get some done over the weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Julie thanks for the plug! As of this AM there are 141 knitters on board. I will add your name to the list! Thanks a lot!