Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fading Point

We were moving things around today and came across kits for Fading Point. This is an amazing shawl designed by Joji Locatelli. We used SweetGeorgia Tough Love Sock and kits are available.

You can purchase the pattern on Joji’s website.

From Joji

Last year I designed a pattern called Starting Point, and it was a Mystery KAL. I loved that pattern so much, and it was truly nerve-wracking to present it as a mystery. Would people like a big rectangle wrap as much as I did? 

Fortunately, I think many did! Which encouraged me to keep exploring that construction, and it also gave me the confidence to design more maxi-scarves or wraps. And when La Bien Aimée created these colors for me to design with, all I could picture was this wrap. I just knew it. The moment I saw it, I knew what it had to become! 

Fading Point is constructed from both ends towards the centre, and then both pieces are connected with triangles to achieve a seamless rectangle.  

The pattern is completely different than its predecesor: It has sections where you blend 2 colors together and then sections with lace. The instructions are WRITTEN AND CHARTED.

Take a look at this Fading Point on Ravelry. The colours are amazing - it is kit #9 on our website.

This is my first Fading Point.

My second is very close to being finished. I better pull this out and get it done! This is a shawl that I could knit again and again. The pattern is so well written and easy to follow. You also get to play with 5 colours which adds to the fun.
Linda also likes knitting the shawl. The pink version is her second.
This is her first - I love the combination. It is very close to kit #1. So close that the kit has 4 of the 5 colours that Linda used.

Lucy is home. She’s very sore and a bit dopey but it’s good to have her back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the colors in that Fading Point. Glad to see Lucy back home and on her way to full recovery.
I love yarn and dogs. Always nice to see pictures of Lucy and Boscoe.