Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Not Fast Enough

I planned on writing last night but time got away from me. I was knitting, trying to get a project finished for Camp, but it isn't going to happen.
I'm almost finished the first ball of Brushed Fleece for the Half & Half Cowl. There are 4 balls in the cowl. I knit fast but not that fast.
Most of today was spent working on Camp. We're just about ready. I'm teaching a class about Find Your Fade. I've gone over my notes many times to make sure that I have everything. To be even more sure, I knit a few rows on my new Find Your Fade.
Mr. Melo was very proud of himself for finding a toy outside. He is the happiest when he has something in his mouth. A sock (he never chews on them) or a toy and he's good to go.

1 comment:

Diane said...

I have a sock boy too!! Mostly he just cuddles and carries them around, but they still end up with a hole or 2 in them...