Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Hello from Phoenix

It was cold when we got up at 3:30 yesterday morning to get ready. The ride to the airport was slow and snowy but we made it okay. Thanks dad.
Our ride to Phoenix.
We got here around noon, picked up our car and headed to the hotel. Our room wasn't ready so we started on errands for the Yarn Group Lounge on the trade show floor. Beth and I are in charge of the Lounge - furniture, posters, decorations, banners... All errands are now complete! This was in front of one of the businesses that we had to stop at. The cacti are so cool
Our ride for the week. Long story but we got this BMW at the same price as a Ford Edge. There really wasn't much thinking involved to make that decision. It's been a learning curve. We finally have the navigation system figured out.
 Our hotel room has a small balcony that overlooks the convention centre.
My knitting. I accomplished quite a bit on the flight. I'm 2/3 of the way to the armhole shaping on one front.

Now I need to get myself ready. We're golfing soon. It's nice here today. OK, nice by Canadian standards. The people working valet are in hats and coats. 61 and a bit of a breeze is cold to them.


Samantha said...

Bring some warm home with you. LOL Have fun!

Candice said...

Glad you arrived safely. Tell us what the yarn and the colour is in this post, please.

Irene said...

sounds great, enjoy.

Julie said...

Candice - the yarn is tosh vintage held double strand. The colour is dachshund - my new favourite colour. That is until I see the brand new colours on Saturday :)