Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I Like Presents!!

Cathy is home from England and brought me a present. I emailed my friends at Rowan and asked if Sarah and Cathy could come for a visit. Kate was away but arranged with David to take them through and show them everything. They got to see the new garments for fall-I'm very jealous. I don't get to see them until next week. They saw all the new yarns and got to meet everyone who works at Rowan. They were very impressed by the operation.

They each received a goodie bag and David sent one with Cathy for me. I will be able to show you in a week or so when Rowan debuts fall 2012.

I was ready to laugh at Roko last night but he looks cute. Like a puppy

The saddest part is his tail. It was nice and fluffy.

I'm not sure he is happy right now to have no hair. He played with his Frisbee but didn't want to play with Melo.

Melo was trimmed-his hair isn't nearly as thick and doesn't mat like Roko's does so he didn't need to be shaved.

The painting has started at my parents. The great room and the master bedroom have the first coats. We did a good job picking colours.

The main colour is grey and it goes really well with the hardwood.

Mr. Canada Post came in with a parcel from Tina at Freia Fibres. More yarn and patterns for the Sonoma Lace Scarf.

This weekend is the US Open Golf Championship. I came to work dressed like I'm heading to the course and golf is on the TV. I'm almost done the bottom ribbing on Breezy. The golf is a good excuse to sit and knit this afternoon.

1 comment:

Lois Evensen said...

Aww, poor Roko! Was he a Yellow Lab before he was shaved or was he a Golden? He sure looks like a Yellow Lab now! :))