Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, April 29, 2012

New Project

I went to the store this afternoon to pick up some yarn. I knew what I wanted and had to dig through boxes to find it.
I started Hannah Fettig's Breezy Cardigan in tosh merino light. The colour I chose is Lolita. It is a bit brighter than the picture but I waited too late to take the picture and we didn't have enough sun in the back yard.

I started this cardigan before in lace weight and found the yarn too thin. The merino light is working up much better.

There would have been more knitting today but I had dogs in my lap for much of the afternoon. Beth was golfing and Roko decided that I was his pillow. Then Melo decided he needed in on the action. Beth is home now and it is time for TV. The Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice with hockey and baseball in the mix. My goal is for the cardigan to be done for TNNA in June. I better get knitting!!


Lois Evensen said...

Pretty color. And, I understand what being a dog pillow is all about. ;)

Linda in Waterloo said...

You must have been very cozy!