Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, August 15, 2011

Parking Lot

The battery on my camera is charged and ready to go. There are lots of pictures today. :)

I had to wait until Beth and the dogs left for work to take this picture. Roko freaks out more about pictures with the camera then when I take pictures with my phone.

In the sun the colours are looking a bit pinker than they really are. The pattern is very easy and a great way to try intarsia (picture knitting). If you aren't familiar with the term here is wikipedia's definition
Intarsia is a knitting technique used to create patterns with multiple colours. 
Common examples of intarsia include sweaters with large, solid-colour features like fruits, flowers, or geometric shapes. Argyle socks and sweaters are normally done in intarsia.
This morning I received an email showing a new yarn coming from Rowan. This is supposed to come sometime in September. Kidsilk Haze dyed in amazing striping colours. The balls are 50grams (as opposed to the 25grams of Kidsilk Haze) and one ball will make a scarf.
It was a big day at the store. The parking lot is being repaved. They were there early this morning to take out the old pavement and this afternoon the repaving started.

For the next few days we can not drive on the parking lot. Please park behind the variety store.

Hopefully there will be some knitting tonight. It's Gordon Ramsay night.


Unknown said...

OMG - Loving the KSH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie,
Will you be posting on your blog when the new Rowan self striping yarn comes in? It's beautiful.

Julie said...

I will definitely be posting when it arrives. Can't wait!!