Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Must have patience

Blogger is acting up again and I can't get my pictures to load. I like the look of posts that are written in blogger which is why I always use it but today I am forced to use MarsEdit.

MarsEdit has decided to test my patience as well. If you know me, patience isn't a word in my vocabulary. :) I tried adding pictures and then typing. Wasn't working so we are going to try typing and then adding pictures at the end. Here goes.

A box arrived from Lynda this afternoon with two finished projects.

Chromatic from the cover of Classic Elite's new book 9157 Palette. Knit in one of my favourite yarns-Liberty. The bottom is knit in one long strip and joined into a tube. Then you pick up for the back and front separately.
Liberty short sleeve
Ravinia from Indigirl knit in Shepherd Sport from Lorna's Laces. I need to sew on buttons. One of my favourite chores.
Ravinia green
Mystery shawl almost done
It was almost midnight last night when I said enough and went to bed. You can see the knitting needle is still attached to my shawl-there are about 50 stitches still to be cast off.
Mystery shawl border
I was afraid that the colours wouldn't show up in the border but you can tell the colour difference. I still have many ends to sew in. Another one of my favourite chores.

I spoke with the company distributing the new coloured wood knitting needles. The shipment has been delayed. They aren't expecting to receive them in Toronto until the middle of next week. I'm hoping they make it in time for the Knitters' Fair.

Tonight is the draft for our Fantasy Football League. Last year Beth and I were very embarrassed by our performance. Beth didn't want to play this year but I told her that there was no way we were quitting. We are playing again this year to prove that we do know to draft a Fantasy Football team.

It's time to hit Publish and head home. I'm afraid that I will get so wrapped up in football that I will forget later tonight.

1 comment:

Lois Evensen said...

Beautiful - all of them!

Yep, Blogger gets to me sometimes, too. :( I take a deep breath, count to ten.... :\