Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, September 24, 2010

So Cool

I am sitting in the lobby of the main building while classes are on.

Last night was a fun night so that the attendees could meet each other. Of course Beth made up a game-Game Show Medley. There was three teams-Jared, Elizabeth and Cathy. Cathy's team won by a landslide but everyone had fun.

Jared's class is in the room behind me. The ladies are very quiet. Jared is keeping them busy! He reluctantly gave them a coffee break. During the break the students told me he was awesome and they want to work through lunch!

Elizabeth's class is in a different building but I have visited a few times. They are learning different cast ons. WOW! Who knew there was that many? I probably should have been sitting in and learning something.

As I am writing I can hear the ladies "that is so cool!". Jared is teaching them life lines right now and he has a few tricks for them.

After lunch we will be having our fashion show. There are 47 garments so my models are going to be tired when they are done. They are going to be hot as well. It is 23 C (73 F) here right now and they are going to be parading around in wool sweaters.

I think I should get back to work.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Port Stanton Pkwy,Severn,Canada

1 comment:

Irene said...

I had no idea that there was more ways than one to cast on. I always thought that sounded like a marine term. sounds like a great getaway.