Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Done and Blocking

At 2am I cast off the last stitch.  I just cut the last steek and took a quick picture before I started to block.

I added a drop of Soak to Phil and added cold water. OOPS!  We have a Brady situation happening.  Too many bubbles.  Do you remember on the Brady Bunch when Bobby (we think) was doing laundry and added too much detergent.  The bubbles went from the laundry room into the kitchen.

I am going to take the shawl out of its bath in a minute and put it on my styrofoam to lay out.  I really need a bigger piece and hope that dad can help me with that tomorrow.  There is one other small problem.  My blocking pins have gone missing.  I will have to stop by the store tomorrow when we are heading to golf to get a few packages.

I think that a nap might be in order this afternoon.  Good TV tonight-Nascar race and Big Brother.  I will get back to knitting Wild Saffron.  There were dreams that it would be finished for Saturday as well but that isn't realistic-the back isn't finished yet.


Lois Evensen said...

It's just beautiful. I'm sure the blocking will work out just fine, too. :)

Unknown said...

It looks great Julie - I'm really excited to see it in person!!

Irene said...

Can't wait to see it.

Rhonda said...

All I can say is "WOW"