Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, August 24, 2007

Back to knitting

The store has been slower today so I have been knitting away on a vest for myself. I haven't had much knitting time in the last few weeks so it feels good to get something accomplished. It is the Hip to be Square Jacket minus sleeves. There are a few changes being done but the basic design is the same. I need to get moving-all of a sudden last night it hit me that I have two weeks to get it done.

When I returned home from Columbus in June, I talked about shawl pins that would be coming from a company called Moving Mud. I just talked with them and my shawl pins will be ready next week-just in time for the Knitter's Fair. Here is a sample of what is coming-no two are the same because they are hand made.

Mom and dad came over last night (along with their friends) to hang our new mirror-it looks amazing. I will get pictures over the weekend. It is the first thing on our walls.

How about Big Brother? I thought Dick was going to hit Jen. Talk about going out like a sore loser!!! It will be interesting now because there aren't many house guests left-they are going to have to start turning on each other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As much of a "dick" as he is, I don't think that he'd really hit her. I was really expecting her to haul off and start smacking him!! She really did lose it - I think that it was the shock and hurt of being back-doored.